Keep in touch with your cuties all summer long

Text it
Exchange numbers along with yearbook messages. Text it up for a quick way to catch up and let your besties know you’re thinking of them 24/7. Bonus! Spot a totally to-die-for pair of sandals at the mall that ya know your pal would go gaga over? Snap a pic and send it to her!
Call me maybe
Put your summer downtime to good use by dialin’ your dearies. Call anywhere and everywhere, but make sure you’ve got time to spend gabbing with your girls.
Signed, sealed and delivered
Send snail-mailed letters to your chicas and wait to receive excited replies. OK, we know its a little old fashioned, but thats why we like it. Getting a letter addressed specifically to you in the sea of envelopes for your parents will make ya’ feel oh-so important. Bonus! Save all of your correspondence so you can read it again and again as the years go by. Stash ‘em in a scrapbook, along with tons of pics of you guys together.
Chain mail
Before the school year ends, exchange email addresses with your besties. Send a bulk email to all of ‘em, and make sure they click “reply all” when responding. This way you’ll all get updates on each others lives. It will feel almost like you gals never left the lunch table!
Up all night
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POSTED IN good friend, growing apart, keep in touch at camp