10 ways to brighten your bud's day

Smile. Walk the halls beaming at your classmates. Seeing your pearly whites on display will make friends, frenemies and acquaintances wanna get their smile on, too.
Li’l surprises. You don’t have to pull out all the stops, but offering up a love-ya-mucho card for no particular reason, a fave jumbo candy bar or a cherry bloom is an easy way to get your bud to smile.
Be the queen of compliments. Give yourself a new goal: To dole out a legit compliment every single day. Tell your crush his new haircut looks way cute. Or your lab partner that her new sandals are hot hot hot.
Spread some love. Tell your bestie (or Mom or annoying bro) that you L-O-V-E them. Just for being them.
Greet like ya mean it. Say hello with major enthusiasm. We’re thinking toothy grins and bear hugs. Confetti isn’t out of the question either. (Joking! But still. That’d rock, right?)
Get your dance on! Who cares if you aren’t exactly part of America’s Best Dance Crew? Turn up the tunes and turn a normal Tuesday afternoon into a dance party.
Call me, maybe. Sure, texting has its place. But there’s really nothing like hearing your bestie’s voice. Dial her digits and catch up.
LOL. Laugh like ya mean it! People always feel good when others laugh at their jokes. Make someone’s day and laugh at theirs (or crack one of your own).
Share a snack. So that bag of cookies you bought from the vending machine? Split it with a sweetie.
Tell em’ they made yours. Nothin really gets people smilin like telling em’ they made your day, so try it out, hunnie.
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POSTED IN good friend, how can I help my friend, spring fun