These GIFs *perfectly* describe Thanksgiving with your fam

Everyone's family is different, but there are some things about the holidays we can all relate to. These 12 gifs are *totally* you and your fam during Thanksgiving.
1. When you wake up to the sound of music the weekend before Thanksgiving and know it's time to clean up the house.
2. The wild, last-minute trip to the grocery store with Mom the day before Thanksgiving.
3. Nonchalantly coming downstairs like you didn't just spend hours of searching for the perfect Thanksgiving outfit.
4. Being drawn to the kitchen by the smell of dinner cooking...but then being shooed away by Mom.
5. The big fake smile you give your distant relatives who comment on how big you've gotten since they last saw you five years ago.
6. Plotting with your cousins on your strategy for seconds and thirds.
7. Doing the absolute most during the family photographs.

8. Expertly dodging prying questions about school and your love life from your aunts.
9. Finding a spot to sleep once the after-dinner yawns kick in.
10. You and your cousins after you successfully convince all your parents to allow a post-Thanksgiving sleepover.
11. You sleeping peacfully knowing you get to eat yummy leftovers for at least another week.
12. Waking up in the middle of the night remembering all the dishes you have to wash tomorrow.
What's your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Let us know in the comments.
Photo credit: Giphy.