Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, Should I be afraid of talking to strangers?"
Dear Carol,
My mother and my grandmother are paranoid and think I shouldn't talk to anyone I don't know or they don't know. I disagree with them. What do you think?
- Stranger Danger
Dear Stranger Danger,
Sounds like they're being protective because they know too well that the whole world is not trustworthy. But I'm with you. It'd be a shame if we all just talked to people in our own bubbles (or communities or churches), especially since a simple hi can open doors and enrich your life. Me, I like talking to random people. So here's my advice: Be friendly and outgoing but sensible, too. Keep your guard up. Want to hear an example of how talking to a stranger changed my life? A man walked in with snow on his lapel. "Brrr," I said and added, "Nice coat." We got to talking, and I told him I wrote an advice book for teen girls. "I have a friend who's starting a magazine for teen girls," he said. I gave him my number to give to his friend. The next day, Karen Bokram called and asked if I wanted to write an advice column for a brand new magazine. You know what? I've been Girls' Life's Dear Carol ever since!
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website:, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Instagram. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
Still need advice? Read more Dear Carol below:
💌 Dear Carol, how do I tell my mom that my career goals changed?
💌 Dear Carol, my mom is making me anxious
💌 Dear Carol, my mom won't let me wear makeup
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