Dear Carol
I fake-flashed someone, and now I feel bad about it

My friends and I were hanging with some boys and pretending to flash them. We didn’t do it—we were just playing. Later, one boy asked why we didn’t really flash and said we are the girls with the biggest boobs. I was shocked and felt kind of dirty. Not in a smelly way—as in, being looked at and stuff. Every time I see him now, I am afraid he will stare at me.
Dear Fake Flasher,
It’s natural to feel awkward, but I hope you can put this behind you. I’m sorry that boy turned something silly into something that felt degrading. It’s awful to feel like you’re being stared at. But here’s the thing: If you play as if you might flash boys, don’t be surprised if they act interested in your body. In the future, beware of inviting unwanted attention.
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