Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, I want to be friends with my ex"

Dear Carol,
My boyfriend broke up with me, but I've still liked him on and off for the last few months. Since the breakup was awkward, we stopped being friends. Now I want to be friends, but I don't know how to go about it. Sometimes, it seems he doesn't like me. Can you give me tips on how to become friends with an ex?
–Bud After Breakup
Dear Bud After Breakup,
Good question. But, before I answer, ask yourself if you really want to be just friends. It sounds like you aren't quite over him. Perhaps he senses this and is afraid that, if he acts too friendly, you'll get the wrong message. Of course, if you truly want to be friends, listen to Emerson: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." If you see him at the winter dance casually ask, "Do you know what band that last song was by?" Be friendly, not flirty. And, please, don't interfere if he's with another girl.
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POSTED IN guys, dealing with a breakup, LIFE, Dear Carol, advice from Carol Weston