Dear Carol
I'm following Mom's no-makeup rule, but sis is sneaking it!

My little sister is in middle school. I'm in high school. My mother made a rule that we can't wear makeup. I'm following it, but my little sister is sneaking makeup behind her back. What should I do?
Dear Mad About Makeup,
Every so often, the best decision is to do nothing. In this case, not wearing makeup but not snitching is a choice you’ll want to consider. After all, you want to be a good daughter, but a good sister, too. Do spill all if you think your sister is getting into trouble (e.g. drinking, smoking, stealing or showing signs of disordered eating or depression). But if we’re just talking a little lip gloss, then before you talk to your parents, talk to your sis.
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POSTED IN dear carol solves family probs, sticky sibling sitches, how to talk to parents, advice from Carol Weston