Dear Carol
My dad started smoking...again

Ever since my dad lost his job, he smokes. I am very disappointed in him, but I’m also really worried about him. I know he started because he is depressed, and I want him to stop. I have tried talking to him calmly about it, and all he said was: “It’s a temporary thing.” I highly doubt this, since it is his third time backing out of quitting. Please tell me how to help him.
Dear Disappointed in Dad,
I’m sorry your dad has had a tough time quitting. It’s very hard to stop smoking because the nicotine—and the habit—is addictive. Instead of just being disappointed, try to be encouraging, too. “Dad, I love you and I don’t want you to ever get sick. That’s why I really want you to quit. I know you can do it.” Be aware, too, that if your dad is between jobs, he can probably use some hugs and laughter from his daughter, not just criticism and anxiety. Due to the troubled economy, a lot of parents are feeling extra stress right now. I’m glad you recognize that smoking is bad, and I hope your dad will be able to quit for good very soon.
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POSTED IN dear carol solves family probs, problems with my parents, how to talk to parents, addiction, kick a bad habit, advice from Carol Weston