Dear Carol
I called my bud's school "skanky" and now she's fuming

My BFF is mad because she wanted me to meet her at her school and I said, “I don’t want to go to your skanky school!” She started yelling at me, but whenever she says anything about her school, she always calls it a “skanky school.” I don’t know why she’s so upset.
Dear Now I’m Mad Too,
When friends complain about their school (or sibling or grandparent), they usually want you to sympathize rather than agree and repeat their words. If someone says her sister is selfish, listen, but don’t nod and say, “I never liked her.”
Call your friend and say, “Let’s not stay mad, okay? I’m sorry for what I said, and I’ll meet you anywhere you want.” It’s easier to apologize and move on than to harbor bad feelings and obsess.
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POSTED IN Friends, Dear Carol, 411 on fighting with friends, advice from Carol Weston