Dear Carol
My BFF prefers her summer camp bud to me

Dear Betrayed,
Two of my favorite things about being an adult are that we don’t mind when friends have other friends and that no one tries to rub it in. Have you really been betrayed? Your sister didn’t steal your boyfriend. Your parents didn’t give away your room. Your neighbor didn’t post your secrets on Facebook. True, your friend made another friend, but that’s not so bad—what’s bat is that she’s boasting about it and that you’re letting it get to you.
Try to be honest with her and say, “Look, I know you’re excited to see your camp friend, but enough already.” Also, why not work harder to make your own new friends? Even if it’s too late to join chorus or try out for the play, it’s never too late to say hi to a girl in chemistry lab or invite the new girl over for a couple of movies and some popcorn.
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POSTED IN Friends, Dear Carol, growing apart, how can I make new friends, dealing with jealousy, I'm feeling left out