Dear Carol
My mom keeps leaving, and I don't know if I want her to come back

My family recently visited some out-of-state cousins, and my mom didn’t come home with us. I had not heard from her in a month, but she called last night so I let out my anger. This is not the first time she’s done this. She wants me to forgive her, but this keeps happening. She says she is finding herself, but all she does is sleep. She does not make good decisions. I’m tired of this. I want her to come home, but I also don’t because I am mad.
Dear Confused About Mom,
You’re not as confused as you think you are since it makes sense that you are angry but, at the same time, want your mom to come home and be her best self. What a tough situation. It sounds like you are beginning to recognize that your mom, even if she means well, is not as dependable as you would like. Perhaps she his battling her own demons, whether it be clinical depression, substance abuse, or mental illness. Accepting this will be liberating for you and healthier than getting your hopes up, then dashed, each time she calls. If your school has a counselor, take the opportunity to unravel some of these knots.
Dear Confused About Mom,
You’re not as confused as you think you are since it makes sense that you are angry but, at the same time, want your mom to come home and be her best self. What a tough situation. It sounds like you are beginning to recognize that your mom, even if she means well, is not as dependable as you would like. Perhaps she his battling her own demons, whether it be clinical depression, substance abuse, or mental illness. Accepting this will be liberating for you and healthier than getting your hopes up, then dashed, each time she calls. If your school has a counselor, take the opportunity to unravel some of these knots.
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POSTED IN problems with my parents, Dear Carol