Dear Carol
I need to get over my celeb jealousy!

I get so jealous of celebrities. Whenever I do chores, I’m like “I bet they don’t have to do this.” I’m seriously ruining relationships because I keep thinking celebs’ lives are so much better.
Dear Jealous of Celebs,
Stop that! Please realize that celebrities, while they may not have to do chores, have tons of pressure to look and sound and dress amazing every second, which I’m sure gets very tiring.
Dear Jealous of Celebs,
Stop that! Please realize that celebrities, while they may not have to do chores, have tons of pressure to look and sound and dress amazing every second, which I’m sure gets very tiring.
Don’t you love your privacy? Celebs don’t get much of that. Many celebs have troubled lives (look at Lindsay Lohan). Enjoy your life, and instead of being jealous, get psyched to aim high and work toward a profession that will afford you the lifestyle you want (with a housekeeper?).
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POSTED IN Dear Carol