Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, I just can't get over my crush"

Dear Carol,

I like a boy who doesn’t like me back. I even asked him if he liked me, and he said no. I told everyone I hated him, but I really still like him. I know I should move on, but I just can’t get over him.

- Can't Get Over It

Dear Can't Get Over It, 

When someone says, “I can’t,” I usually think: “Are you suuure?” You can and will get over this boy. And you’re only as stuck as you think you are. Next time you have a crush, don’t tell everyone that you hate him if you like him. Boys get confused, too. If a boy announced that he hated you, you’d be bummed—then perplexed if he whispered, “Actually, I like you.” Why do that to a guy? Why complicate things? Look, there are 8 billion people on the planet. Decide now that this particular boy is not worth obsessing over. Give yourself a reset and think instead about family, friends, schoolwork, sports, hobbies, whatever you love. Next time he crosses your mind? Grab a pen and paper and write down 10 things for which you are grateful. On your mark, get set, go.

Carol Weston is the author of 16 books, including Girltalk, Ava and Pip and Speed of Life, a novel about a 14-year-old girl who writes to an advice columnist. Carol's audiobooks are on Spotify. More at and on Instagram @carolwestonnyc.

Need more 'ship advice? Check out more Dear Carol: 
💞 "Dear Carol, I'm worried that I'm losing interest in my girlfriend"
💞 "Dear Carol, I have a crush on my friend of almost 11 years"
💞"Dear Carol, I'm worried that I'll never find love!"

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by GL | 12/9/2024