Your Bod
"iPhone body" is a thing...and you probably have it
It is no surprise that technology rules our lives. And while we heart our phones, our laptops and our tablets, all that screen time could actually be having a negative effect on our physical bodies and maybe not in the way you think. We aren't just talking about the strain on your eyes or the damage to your ears. Nope, turns out technology can impact your skeleton, too. Read on for how it happens, and how to fix it.
Text neck
When you think about how you’re holding your phones when texting or looking down at your computer, you are always hunched over. This brings your head and shoulders forward, resulting in really horrible posture that down the line can lead to serious back problems.
The fix: Stretch your neck. When we are putting our bodies in compromising positions it causes everything to shorten. Try rolling your neck and nodding every so often to loosen everything up.
Screen spine
With bad posture, we are constantly hunching our backs and putting unwanted pressure on our spine.
The fix: Lay down. That’s right—just lay down but with a twist. You need to stretch your spine just like any other part of your bod so use a roller on your back when laying down to help realign that posture.
iPhone hand
You know all those memes about iPhone hands and crooked pinkies and curved thumbs? Yeah, well it’s def not a cute look and it's a very real problem.
The fix: Keep a ball on hand—well, in your hand—to stretch throughout the day. You can also try using the voice-to-text feature to give that thumb a break.
Did you know your tech could be damaging like this? Tell us in the comments below!
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