
Flatten your abs without leaving your living room

Hate exercising in the icy weather? We've whipped up an ab-blasting workout you can do in your so-toasty living room.


Whether you're snowed in or just don't feel like going out, these moves will help you land fab abs fast. Repeat this series a few times a week, toss in some more cardio and you'll shrink your midsection by New Year's Eve.


Windshield Wiper

Lay on your back, with your arms out, bending your knees to a 45-degree angle. Keep your abs tight and your shoulder blades on the floor while you lower your knees down to the floor. Bring your knees back up to start. Lower to the right side. Repeat for 15-20 reps on each side


Opposite Arm/Leg Raise

Start in a pushup position. Simultaneously lift your left arm straight out as well as lifting your right leg straight, making both parallel to the floor. Lower back to start. Repeat on the other side. Continue for 10-15 reps on each side.


Plank Roll

Start in a plank position, forearms against the floor, feet together. Keep your arms in place, while twisting your lower body, using your feet as a pivot-point. Twist your lower body as far to the left as you can without moving your upper body. Return to start and repeat on the other side. Keep going, for 15-20 reps.


Knee Reach

Start in a pushup position. Bend your right knee, bringing it in toward your left elbow. Keep your abs tight and your body straight. Return to start. Repeat on the opposite side, bringing your left knee in toward your right elbow. Continue for 15-20 reps on each side.



Cardio is crazy-important to cinching your mid-section. Jog up your stairs 5 times (be careful!) in between each set of exercises to get your heart rate up.


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by Alyssa Oh | 2/1/2016