
Trainer Tip: Hit the Pool!

We recently chatted with Leslie White, Fitness Director at the Cal-a-Vie Health Spa, about all sortsa awesome workouts. Right before we hung up, the convo drifted into the topic of aquatic exercise. Here’s what Leslie had to say:
“Anybody can get their butt kicked in the pool!” she told us. So don’t stash your suit just because Labor Day is over. Whether you’re a beginner or a total pro, hit up a local pool on still-warm weekends or consider joining a Y to dive into open-swim hours after school.
Ya don’t have to rock endless laps to get an awesome workout. Check out our pool-perf exercises, try out water polo or “jog” around the shallow end of the pool. You’ll get into shape, and keep summery vibes close by. 


by Katie Abbondanza | 2/1/2016