
Shape Up in a Flash!

Celeb trainer Tracy Anderson created a circuit for GL that’ll sculpt a lean, mean bod for beach season. Do 30-40 reps of each move (pause if ya gotta) and complete the circuit a couple times a week.

Bent Knee Lift
Cross your right ankle over the left. Keep your right leg slightly bent and the knee out to the side. Keeping this position, lift your bent leg up to its highest point before returning to start. Repeat on the other side.

Running Man Leg Extension
Lie on your left side with your hips squared. Staying on your side, place legs in a running position (one leg back and the other forward). Alternate legs back and forth, as though you’re running in place. Repeat with the other leg on top.

Swinging V  
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms out directly in front of you with your palms facing up and fingers stretched out. Swing arms out to the side and then lift up into a high “V” position. Return to start.

Diamond Crunch   
Lie on your back with legs in front of you. Cross your right ankle over the left. Clasp your hands behind your head. Crunch up, pulling your legs toward your stomach and bending your knees. Return to start, but don’t let your feet touch the ground—always keep them 2-3 inches off the floor.

Arm Rotations
Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms straight out to side with palms facing down. Rotate palms up and down while bringing arms in front of your body and then back out to the start.

Crunch with Leg Drop
Lift both legs so your heels rest on a countertop. Place your hands behind the neck and slightly crunch your abs in. Keeping your right leg extended, drop the left leg out to the side and un-crunch. Crunch up when the leg goes back up. Repeat on the other side.
By: Katie Abbondanza


7/2/2010 7:00:00 AM