
Can your mental health affect you physically?


The answer, it seems, is yes. That might not surprise you, especially if you’ve already noticed it in yourself. You might feel much stronger mentally after you finish a tough running workout, or you might develop a tension headache when you had three exams and an in-class essay all in one day.

But current research seems to suggest that there might be an even *larger* connection. Patients with history of depression and anxiety actually have a larger risk of developing a physical disease. Scientists studied 6,000 teens, and found that there was a definite correlation between all sorts of diseases and depression. They also found that skin conditions could be related to anxiety disorders, and epilepsy to eating disorders. Plus, poor emotional health can lower your immune system, so you’re more likely to catch the cold that’s going around school.

This study means it's even more key to communicate your emotional and mental health with adults that you can trust, like your parents, doctor, school nurse or guidance counselor. By understanding the connection between the mind and body, we can practice prevention techniques to help on both sides, but only if you confide what you’re going feeling to someone who can help you. Don't feel that what you’re going through is unimportant or something to be ashamed of. Your mental health is *super* important, and certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.

What do you think about the study on the mind/body connection? Let us know in the comments! 


by Amy Garcia | 3/9/2018