Get your sleep cycle back on track
Start slow
Switching from a 2 a.m. bedtime to 10 p.m. in one night will just have ya laying in bed, twiddling your thumbs for hours on end. Instead, slowly dial back your bedtime, hour by hour, 'til your back to BTS normal.
Work it
Time to get off your booty! Burning some energy during the day will have you ready to go to sleep at a (gasp!) reasonable hour. Dial up a sweat sesh with your darlins, help mom clean the attic and for goodness sake, don't give in to nap time!
Wind down
An hour 'til bed is not the right time for a Starbucks trip with your big sis. Cut out the sugar and caffeine binges several hours before bed, and hey, take it easy! Once the sun sets, forget the cardio and opt for yoga if you need a little exercise. The idea is to prep your body for sleep time rather than get yourself keyed up.
Make your room distraction free
Blinking lights, buzzing phones and tablets just calling your name--not conducive to hitting the hay. Make your bed a place for sleep only. That means no cuddling up with your laptop or textig for hours with your buds. This way, when you lay down and pull up the covers, you'll be signalling to your brain that it's mission: sleep.
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POSTED IN sleep tips, get more sleep, back to school, get your act together guide