Eat Right
Healthy You Survey: Snack Attack!

What's your junk food weakness?
How many times a week would you say you give into junk food temptation?
Are you more likely to eat unhealthy when you're with friends, BF or family?
What makes you wanna eat nutritious foods?
What's your fave meal? Do you think it's healthy or not?
Are you more tempted by unhealthy foods when you're out or at home?
Who do you look up to as a healthy eating role model?
Do you think you eat better or worse when you are exercising?
How many times a week would you say you give into junk food temptation?
Are you more likely to eat unhealthy when you're with friends, BF or family?
What makes you wanna eat nutritious foods?
What's your fave meal? Do you think it's healthy or not?
Are you more tempted by unhealthy foods when you're out or at home?
Who do you look up to as a healthy eating role model?
Do you think you eat better or worse when you are exercising?