Survey Says

A Quiz for Anyone!

1. If you could be an animal which animal would you choose?
2. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Or do you not even like Twilight?
3. What style of clothing would you say you have, punk, girly, or whatev?
4. Are you a fan of horror movies or do romance flicks catch your eye?
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
6. What do you look for in a guy?
7. Have you ever had a dream that's come to life? If so what is it?
8. What's a must-have room accessory?
9. Ever play Manhunt? (Hide and seek at night basically)?
10. What's your greatest fear and how do you face it?
11. What tunes always have you dancing?
12. What's your lucky number?

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY?Click the blue SUBMIT YOUR OWN BUTTON and choose Survey Says for your subj. Type up 10 or so cool qs. When you're done, click Submit for a chance to have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?

4/5/2009 7:00:00 AM