Survey Says

A Quiz for Anyone!

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What's it say? "All the wounded would be sent home as soon as their condition allowed."
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What's there? mid air
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Gossip Girl! xoxo
4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 6:30
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? ohhhh 6:47!
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? the phone ringing the radio my mom singin
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? like an hour ago its georgous out
8. What are you wearing? jeans, a tank
9. Did you dream last night? yes about my neighbor and I
10. When did you last laugh? when my bro was tickling me like half an hour ago
11.If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? woahh a jet soo I could go anywhere
12. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? world peace i knoo i knoo cheesey but incredibly true
13. Do you like to dance? I luv to dancee

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY?Click the blue SUBMIT YOUR OWN BUTTON and choose Survey Says for your subj. Type up 10 or so cool qs. When you're done, click Submit for a chance to have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?

4/3/2009 7:00:00 AM