Survey Says

A Quiz for Anyone!

1. Favorite Animal: Horse
2. Favorite Drink: Strawberries n` Cream Frapp
3. Orlando Bloom or Zac Effron? Orlando Bloom
4. Name someone you love: Crush
5. Active or Lazy? Both
6. Sweet or Salty? Sweet
7. Favorite day of the week: Sunday
8. Swimming or Tennis? Swimming
9. Fruit or Veggies? Fruit
10. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes
11. Summer or Winter? Summer
12. Jeans or Skirt? Jeans
13. Math Or Science? Math
14. Do you miss anyone right now? Yes, my brother
15. Do you wish you could be someone else, other then you? No way, I enjoy being me

GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY?Click the blue SUBMIT YOUR OWN BUTTON and choose Survey Says for your subj. Type up 10 or so cool qs. When you're done, click Submit for a chance to have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?

3/29/2009 7:00:00 AM