Survey Says

SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

Random Quiz:

1.What grade are you in? 6th
2.What music do you listen to? Rock, Punk, Alternative and Metal
3.Do you have a BF? No *whimper*
4.Do you have any crushes? Yep, 2
5.Do you think about your crush every sec of every day? Almost
6.What's your favorite class? P.E. and Latin
7.What's your favorite song(s)? Pet & Sleeping Beauty - A Perfect Circle
8.Do any guys like you? Yeah, one that's totally disgusting, and one who I actually like
9.What is on the top of your wishlist? Digital Camera
10.Why do you like your crush? He's cute, funny and likes me (I think & hope) 
GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it now below, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?
1/8/2009 1:28:00 PM