Star Signs

Everything you need to know to survive this summer's retrogrades

OK, so retrogrades don’t exactly have the greatest reputation. (Ever blamed an absolutely awful day on Mercury? Been there.) But retrogrades (aka when a planet moves backward) create chaos for a reason—they push you to suspend your usual routines, reflect on what you truly want and ultimately make some much-needed life changes.

And summer 2024 has some major shifts in store: Saturn retrograde kicks in June 29, followed by Neptune on July 2—both in artsy, whimsical Pisces. No matter your sign, get ready to let loose, dream bigger and take scary (but necessary!) risks that will help you grow.

Going to be honest here: After these two retrogrades, you might not even recognize the completely amazing/creative/passionate person you’ve become. Kinda the perfect summer plotline, right?


As a prideful sign, you tend to keep your guard up and avoid telling people how you truly feel, especially when you’re worried they won’t reciprocate. But once the retrogrades do their work, you’ll start to wonder if all that protective energy is holding you back.

On July 2, Mercury enters bold Leo—giving you the confidence boost you need to tell that special someone what they truly mean to you…and realizing the world won’t end when you do.


On June 9, ambitious Mars enters your sign, making you realize you’re stuck in a version of yourself that’s not really you.

When the retrogrades hit, you feel empowered to experiment with ways to feel more authentic—whether it’s dressing in a new aesthetic, finding a different friend group or exploring a hobby you’ve always wanted to try but felt nervous to pursue. This is the season you’re done living your life for anyone else’s approval.


The summer kicks off on a fab note as Mercury enters your sign on June 3. Combined with the June 6 new moon in Gemini, you’ll be outgoing, magnetic and full of optimism. The retrogrades don’t dull your super social vibe…but they do make you assess what you want out of your friendships, giving you the courage to go deeper with your crew.

Once Mars enters Gemini on July 20, you’ll have more clarity on who you want to spend time with (and maybe it’s you).


You may be the sign of the crab, but this summer your shell is getting softer. Chatty Mercury and affectionate Venus both enter your sign on June 17, helping you open up to your loved ones.

That feeling only gets magnified when your season starts on June 20. Then, the retrogrades reveal surprising ways you can be more vulnerable with your friends and family, whether it’s expressing gratitude for something in the past or setting a much-needed boundary for the future.


Your confidence comes from being tuned into your natural talents: You know what you’re good at—and you’re not afraid to show it to the world. But this summer’s retrogrades inspire you to pursue something new and challenging…and you genuinely struggle.

Don’t fear: With multiple planets in your sign throughout July (and the start of your season on July 23), you’ll have the universe on your side as you try, fail, try again…and thrive in the process.


You’re the mom of the friend group—the one who always dives into “fix it” mode and quietly hustles to keep everything moving along smoothly.

That role can be draining, though, and with two retrogrades this summer, you’re assessing any relationships in your life that feel one-sided or like they’re zapping too much of your time or energy. Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your sign on July 25, making it easier to speak up about how you feel and what you need.


A breezy air sign, you’re able to get along with everyone… at least on the surface. At the same time, you’re represented by a set of scales, meaning you feel off when things are out of balance.

The retrogrades force you to confront the ways your outside persona doesn’t reflect who you are on the inside: Join in gossip then feel bad after? Spread yourself too thin trying to be besties with everyone? Use that clarity to make a tough decision you’ve been putting off.


You love learning about others, but when it comes to sharing who *you* are, you’re careful to never reveal too much—making you a bit of a mystery even to your closest crew.

Now the retrogrades are shaking that up, especially paired with Mercury entering Cancer on June 17 (boosting your self-awareness). Start opening up to a few friends about something you’re struggling with. You might just be surprised by how much they’re willing to show up and support you.


You love throwing yourself into fun experiences, but you feel even better when those spontaneous adventures are shared. The retrogrades might have you wishing for a more exciting life/bigger friend group/cooler vacay plans.

Step away from the highlight reel and tune into the subtle but important moments around you, like a family tradition or a long walk with a friend. You’re going to end this summer with a real appreciation for a (slightly) more low-key way of living.


Saturn is your ruling planet, so its retrograde will hit hard—making you question pretty much everything. Amplified by full moons in your sign, you’re seeing all the gaps in your life pretty clearly.

But don’t get down if you realize a certain friendship isn’t quite what you hoped for or an activity
you thought you loved is no longer bringing you joy. This summer, the universe will give back in surprising ways...if you have the courage to cut off toxic ties first.


In the past, you’ve found yourself restless in groups where you try to make a difference, only to get talked over or bogged down by everyone’s disorganized energies. You have your own way of doing things, and when they don’t go as planned, you get frustrated.

But the new moon in Gemini on June 6 will have you inspired to take on a new cause. Then, the retrogrades might help you realize that the key is to take the lead (even if you’re nervous) and make change your way.


With both retrogrades in your sign, you’re going to feel creative and inspired… yet kind of stuck emotionally. Notice where your thoughts tend to spiral, whether it’s a situationship that keeps you guessing or an extracurricular you used to love but don’t anymore.

Pour out your feelings into an artistic outlet (journaling or sketching works), then allow the retrogrades to help you let it go. The new moon in Cancer on July 5 pushes you to move on for good.

Looking for more answers in the stars? Check out these related reads:
 Your perfect summer project, based on your star sign
🌟 The sitcom you should watch (or re-watch), based on your star sign
⭐We just picked your perfect tarot card, according to your zodiac sign

Hey, girl! Just wanted to let you know that this story originally ran in our June/July 2024 issue. Want more? Read the print mag for free *today* when you click HERE.

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by Lily Johnson | 6/29/2024