Star Signs
Here's *exactly* how your life will change in 2025
For the past seven years, Uranus (the planet of disruption and rebellion) has been in Taurus (the sign of money and home life). It’s made people question what they value, sometimes making things feel less certain. And while Uranus stays in Taurus until 2026, it’ll briefly enter Gemini this year from July 7 to Nov. 7—ushering momentous changes for everyone.
Gemini is the sign of socializing and curiosity, so this period will shake up everything from your relationships to your passions—even your core identity. These changes will likely shape your whole year and, in the most Gemini way possible, give you high highs and low lows (don’t worry, we know what days you’ll shine…and when you’ll just want to stay in bed).
While switching things up can sometimes feel scary, change also brings opportunity (you might discover a hidden talent, expand your friend group, confess a secret crush or even figure out your future). Whatever happens, 2025 will find you moving forward in new and exciting ways. And that’s *always* a win.
You feel your most confident when you know exactly what your goals are and how to achieve them—the hard work required doesn’t daunt you nearly as much as the “figuring it all out” part. But this year, you’re primed to rethink your own big picture, whether it’s deciding on your dream career or future college major.
Before Uranus enters Gemini, you have a new moon partial solar eclipse in your sign on March 29, putting you in a reflective mood. Mercury (which controls your planning abilities) and Venus (planet of beauty) are also in your sign, getting you ready to consider new passions once Uranus enters Gemini on July 7.
But it’s not all smooth sailing: Uranus goes retrograde on Sept. 6, making you wonder if your new dreams are rooted in reality. Once the full moon hits your sign on Oct. 6, you’ll feel like you’re shedding an old identity—in the best way.
Best day: March 30. Neptune, the planet of dreams, enters your sign. This is a time when you’ll feel peak inspiration and excitement for what’s to come.
Sit this one out: July 13. Saturn, the planet of structure, moves retrograde in your sign. It’ll feel like even your best-laid plans can’t keep your life from getting a little chaotic.
As the sign associated with coziness, your big transformation in 2025 centers on how you bring people together.
On April 27, the new moon happens in your sign (and in the middle of your season), preparing you for new connections. When Mercury enters Taurus on May 10, followed by Venus on June 6, you feel energized to deepen your bonds with friends and family.
When Uranus leaves your sign and enters Gemini on July 7, you tap into ways you can take charge of how you spend time with other people. It might entail planning a hangout, hosting a party or roping in your family to volunteer for a cause with you. Throughout it all, you learn that you don’t have to wait around for close relationships to find you: You can strengthen them all on your own.
Best day: June 6. When Venus (your ruling planet) enters your sign, you get a huge rush of confidence and feel the most in-touch with yourself all year.
Sit this one out: Nov. 7. Uranus retrograde in your sign makes you reconsider your passions, leading to a (temporary) identity crisis.
Geminis have an impressive ability to chat up almost anyone. But that talent doesn’t develop out of nowhere—it takes lots of leaping out of your comfort zone.
This is your year to spread your wings. In particular, May is when you’re feeling most yourself(it’s peak social butterfly season for you).
When Uranus enters your sign on July 7, you find yourself wanting to get to know people outside your bubble, even ones who have drastically different lives and points of view from you. You might do something as simple as join a new club or something as huge as look into exchange programs abroad. By Dec. 4, when the full moon enters Gemini, you’ll reflect on all the new connections you made, seeing which ones you want to hold onto in 2026.
Best day: Feb. 4. Jupiter enters your sign, starting your year off with good vibes and even better fortune. Trying new things feels less daunting because your efforts usually pay off.
Sit this one out: Sept. 6. Uranus retrograde in your sign makes you question your friendships, and the sudden uncertainty is a bit uncomfortable to deal with.
You’re often characterized as a sensitive crab lodged in her shell, but this year finds you yearning to be seen.
It starts off with Mars (the planet of action) going retrograde in your sign on Jan. 6, causing you to feel restless. Then, the full moon in Cancer on Jan. 13 encourages you to reflect on the parts of your crab identity you’d like to shed. When Mars moves direct in your sign on Feb. 23, you’re ready to put yourself out there…even if it scares you.
Jupiter (planet of luck) entering your sign on June 9 and the new moon in Cancer on June 25 get you ready to make new connections, while Uranus entering Gemini on July 7 brings out your social side. This becomes your year of saying yes to friendships that invigorate you, making you excited to open up
Best day: June 9. Lucky Jupiter enters your sign, shining good fortune on all your endeavors. It’s the perfect time to take some risks— you’re less likely to fail and, even if you do, you’ll be in higher spirits than usual.
Sit this one out: Nov. 11. What Jupiter gives, it taketh away when it goes retrograde in your sign. This is a time when progress can feel slow, but it’s also a chance to address any missteps.
You feel your best when you’re regaling a crowd, so when your core group feels off, you do, too. You could be going through a rough patch —or you’ve simply outgrown some dynamics.
These are the questions running through your mind when the full moon enters your sign on Feb. 12. Once action-packed Mars enters your sign on April 18 (followed by Mercury on June 26), you feel ready to talk out any issues that’ve cropped up. Hint: Try to have these convos before Mercury retrograde on July 18, when words can be misinterpreted more easily.
After Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, you feel optimistic about how you’ve resolved issues with your friends. Your season starts shortly after on July 22, followed by the new moon on July 24—priming you for new bonds. Then, Mercury moves direct in your sign on Aug. 11, followed by Venus on Aug. 25. If you’re hoping to explore new connections, now’s the time to do it.
Best day: April 18. Fiery Mars gives you a kick of motivation to tackle anything you’ve been stuck on.
Sit this one out: July 18. Mercury retrograde in your sign, just days after Uranus shifts to Gemini, can make everything in your life feel wonky and unstable.
The busiest bee of the zodiac bunch, you’re always immersing yourself in a new project or goal. Doesn’t sound like you? That just means you haven’t found your thing…yet.
On March 14, there’s a full moon total lunar eclipse in your sign, an event that signifies major endings. Sometimes it means relationships lost or big life changes, but it can also be subtler, hinting at a shift in priorities. You might shed things that no longer fit, such as old hobbies.
The rest of the year primes you for figuring out what excites you. Mars (planet of action) gets you fired up when it enters your sign on June 17. The new moon in Virgo on Aug. 23 opens you up to trying new extracurriculars. And Mercury entering your sign on Sept. 2 helps you excel at whatever you try. By Sept. 21, you’ll experience a new moon partial solar eclipse in your sign, formally ushering in what feels like a new you.
Best day: Sept. 2. When Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your sign, you feel at the top of your game (aka sharper, funnier and chattier).
Sit this one out: March 14. The full moon total lunar eclipse in your sign is ultimately a good thing—it’s a big decluttering time. But it can also mean some bittersweet goodbyes to old parts of your identity.
Defined by the scale, you’re known for seeking balance. But sometimes, following the same routines leaves you feeling a wee bit stuck. This year, you’re willing to risk some uncertainty if it means opportunities for growth.
On April 12, the full moon in your sign gets you thinking about where your life feels stale, whether it’s in your relationships or extracurriculars. By Aug. 6, Mars (planet of action) enters your sign, inspiring you to switch things up. Come September, when Mercury enters your sign on the 18th, you feel energized by the changes—even if it means a more packed schedule or fluctuating friend groups.
The year draws to a close with Venus entering your sign on Oct. 13 and a new moon happening in Libra on Oct. 21, helping you revel in (and reflect upon) all the positive developments and changes this year
Best day: Oct. 13. Venus, your ruling planet and the symbol of love, enters your sign. Expect lots of compliments on how happy you look (and some from unexpected admirers).
Sit this one out: April 12. The full moon in Libra can bring up uncomfortable truths as you look through what is (and isn’t) working in your day-to-day life.
Seen as the most mysterious sign, you tend to keep your pincers close to your chest. But this year is all about showing those you love just how kind and tenderhearted you really are.
On May 12, the full moon in Scorpio makes you contemplate what habits you wish to discard—one of them being your tendency to remain aloof. When Sept. 22 rolls around, Mars enters your sign, prompting you to take steps to get more involved in your friends’ and family’s lives (including being vulnerable yourself).
At first, all is well: Mercury is in your sign starting on Oct. 6, followed by your season on Oct. 22. Then, Venus enters Scorpio on Nov. 6, leaving you wondering why you weren’t more open to begin with. You feel tongue-tied and unhelpful when Mercury retrograde enters your sign on Nov. 18, but that passes quickly. The new moon happens on Nov. 20, signaling new connections and improved relationships.
Best day: May 12. Not everyone likes full moons in their sign, but you always appreciate a chance to reflect on your life.
Sit this one out: Nov. 18. Everyone, however, hates Mercury retrograde—especially in their sign. Missteps and misspoken words can make you even more reluctant to open up.
Sags are known for being adventure-seekers, almost too cool to commit to one thing (or one person). An even bigger leap for Sags? Getting gushy with their feels…but 2025 will change that. If you do crush (and find it hard to let them know), the full moon in your sign on June 11 causes you to reassess your approach to the whole love business. When Mercury enters Sag on Oct. 29, you dial up the flirtation. You’re antsy to make a move come Nov. 4, when action-oriented Mars enters your sign.
There might be a couple of missteps, like when Mercury retrograde happens in your sign and leaves you feeling a little foggy. But shortly after, your season starts. Venus enters your sign on Nov. 30, hinting at upcoming luck in your love life. By the time Mercury moves direct on Dec. 11 and the new moon joins on Dec. 19, you might have a new relationship to show for all this personal growth.
Best day: Nov. 4. When it’s in your sign, fiery Mars gives you an extra boost of motivation and optimism—just the push you need to dive into something new.
Sit this one out: Nov. 9. The Mercury retrograde in your sign leaves you feeling restless and stuck...but this too shall pass.
Capricorns are most often associated with luxury and ambition—the ultimate embodiment of work hard, shop harder. But it’s tough to enjoy the fruits of your labor if you can’t visualize what you *really* want.
In 2025, you start to see your goals more clearly, beginning on Jan. 8 when Mercury enters your sign. This is a great time to vision board— whether you’re dreaming of a new room or something major like a future career. When the full moon enters Cap on July 10, you take a step back and reassess who (and what) is serving you at this moment. (Spoiler alert: Things that felt right in the past might not work for you now.) By the end of the year, you feel ready to take on your most sky-high goals. Mars moves into Capricorn on Dec. 15, your season starts on Dec. 21 and Venus enters your sign on Dec. 24. All of these events set you up to chase your dreams… now that you know what they look like.
Best day: Dec. 24. Venus (the planet of love) in your sign is basically the zodiac equivalent of a glow-up, making you feel more confident and outgoing than you have in a minute.
Sit this one out: July 10. The full moon has you in a contemplative mood—but steer clear of making any rash decisions.
You have a lot of goals and dreams for how you want to leave the world a better place than you found it. In 2025, you’ll figure out a way to have a direct impact—either with a new volunteer gig, family responsibility or leadership opp.
When Mercury enters your sign on Jan. 27 during your season, it gets you thinking about what you really want to do with your time. After
the new moon enters Aquarius on Jan. 29, you might have a new role on your hands. It’ll come with challenges, all of which provide great opportunities for growth. Pluto retrograde on May 4 makes you wonder if you’re cut out for this new task. And the full moon in your sign on Aug. 9 might even make you tempted to quit. But once Pluto moves direct on Oct. 13, you realize this new responsibility is a major part of you—and you wouldn’t give it up for anything.
Best day: July 7. Uranus, your ruling planet, enters Gemini. You might suddenly have big breakthroughs or feel like you got unstuck after years of Uranus in Taurus.
Sit this one out: May 4. Pluto, planet of transformation, moving retrograde will make you(temporarily) question if all the changes you’ve been making are really the right ones.
Pisces is often stereotyped as a shy artist, expressing herself through her creations. But this year, you learn how to say how you feel, without relying on anything else.
You start the year off eager to speak up more: The new moon in your sign on Feb. 27 makes you excited for all the change you’ll bring to your life once you start advocating for your needs.
But there are a lot of starts and stops. Venus retrograde on March 27, Mercury retrograde on March 29 and Saturn retrograde on Sept. 1 all temporarily happen in your sign, causing you to second-guess yourself. But just when you start questioning everything, Saturn (planet of structure) moves direct in your sign on Nov. 27, followed by Neptune (planet of dreams) on Dec. 10. You feel more in tune with yourself than ever—and ready to share whatever’s on your mind.
Best day: Dec. 10. Your ruling planet Neptune moving direct in your sign helps you tap into your creativity, whether you’re embarking on a new art project or figuring out how to express a personal boundary.
Sit this one out: Oct. 22. Neptune retrograde in Pisces briefly makes you question if your wildest dreams are, well, too wild. It’s a good time to sit on your ideas before making any solid plans.
Hey, girl! Just wanted to let you know this article originally ran in our December/January 2025 issue. Want more? Read the print mag for free *today* when you click HERE!
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