
The dorm essentials you need for college

Moving into college is exciting, nerve-wracking and hectic all at once. Planning ahead and organizing everything you need for your dorm will help you feel right at home once you get there. If you're not sure what to pack, you def need to add these dorm essentials to your list.

A Brita pitcher or water bottle

You never want to go thirsty in your dorm! Investing in a Brita pitcher or filtered water bottle will ensure that you have clean, drinkable water in your room at all times. Not all dorms offer water fountains, and you definitely don't want to drink straight from the tap or waste plastic bottles. Britas filter tap water so it's perfectly safe for drinking. Stay hydrated, girl!

A comfy mattress topper

A typical dorm mattress is...less than comfortable. Before you head off to college, buy a memory foam mattress topper so your bed will be nice and cozy. You can easily find mattress toppers at most home stores or big-box retailers. It's worth the money, trust us.

Wrinkle spray

Not many college students have the space (or time) to iron clothes in their dorms. However, you definitely don't want to go to class with wrinkled clothes. Grab some wrinkle spray at the store and keep it on hand in your dorm. After a few quick sprays, smooth out your clothes and you're ready to go. Check out this spray from Downy, sold at Target.

Long charging cords

Tbh, there's *nothing* worse than having to sit on the floor to charge your phone. Outlets are hard to come by in dorms, so buying a six or ten foot charging cord is a life-changing investment. You can easily purchase long cords on Amazon for cheap—just don't forget about an extension cord for your laptop charger, too. 

Bed risers

If your school allows it, bed risers are a must. Bed risers allow you to lift your bed off the ground and add space for some extra storage underneath. Because they come in varying heights, you can get anywhere from a few inches to almost a foot of bonus storage space. Score!

A portable laundry bag

Most times, your laundry unit at college is not in your room or even on your floor! Laundry baskets are bulky and inefficient for carrying around your building. Buying a laundry bag that is easy to store and transport is a must. Opt for one with back straps and small pockets for detergent and coins. 

Need more college advice? Check out these articles from GL!
📚 5 things to consider in your college search
📚 How to deal with homesickness in college
📚 5 ways to reduce college application stress

What are you packing for college move in?
Let us know on Insta @girlslifemag!

Slider image: @dormify
Top image: @kylan_darnell
All GIFs via Giphy


by Hannah Kennedy | 7/27/2023