Throw a green n glamorous clothing swap

To make this party even more environmentally awesome, send your friends an e-vite via email or Facebook. Tell them to bring old, gently used clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that don't fit or that they're sick of.

Your girls are gonna need tickets to seal the deal on their swaps, so cut them out of construction paper ahead of time. Use three different colors to make 20-25 tickets (adjust it to more or less depending on how many peeps are at the party). Label one color with “cheapie,” another with “mid-priced” and the third with “expensive.” Figure out a price range that works for you—maybe cheap stuff is from $1 to $10, mid-priced is $11 to $25 and expensive is over $25. Whatever works for you and your buds.
It's best to throw your swap soiree in a big room, so it's easy pickings for you and your pals. You'll be able to see all the stuff laid out this way. Before guests arrive, mark three big spots on the floor with: Cheapie, Mid-priced and Expensive. Place the matched pile of colorful tickets on the floor nearby.

When the girlies get there, have them clearly mark sizes on their swappables with post-its (For example: mark those heels as SIZE 7, that cardi as MEDIUM and a pair of jeans as SIZE 5). This'll make choosing items that look great on everyone even easier.
Whenever a girl puts an item into a pile, she picks up a ticket from the pile and writes her name on the back (say Charlotte puts her plaid skirt into "Cheapie", she would take a "Cheapie" ticket and write Charlotte on the back).
When all the tickets are gone (you can always make more if you need!), have your guests put 'em into a box and mix the box up. Give your guests a little time to walk around and take a good look at what everyone's got. Let ‘em know that it’s OK to try on the threads.
Reach into the box and randomly pull out a ticket. So, if you picked up CHARLOTTE and CHEAPIE, Charlotte would be able to go into the Cheapie pile and pick out whatever she wanted.

But what if Charlotte picks up a fab top that Allie had her eye on? Allie can object and the two pals can play a game to see who ends up with the coveted item. Some fun games? Flip a coin, play rock paper scissors, or go along with the theme and make up some fashion trivia questions to ask your girls. May the most stylin' sistah win. Each girl gets only three objections—so use ‘em wisely!

At the end of the party take all your items and try 'em on. Even more fun? Use a long sheet to make a catwalk, put on some funky jams and walk it out in your all-new outfits. Give each other style suggestions and take some pics with the digi. Voila! You've got an all-new wardrobe and a totally new look for free.

Another way to score free styles? Check out these online swap sites to find freebies from all over the world.
This swap site is created by a former fashion designed who couldn't afford expensive designer digs. Take pics and write a little description about what you're parting with. Then swap away with peeps around the world.
Take pics of your old clothes, upload 'em and get to searching. Browse for things you like or by fave brand. Then, place a bid on something that ya like. If your bid is accepted, it's free to trade away.
Started by glamazons who are focused on going green, this swap site highlights the eco-friendliness of clothing trades. Stay chic and cheap, even in some super expensive styles on this site. Bonus? Membership is free for the first month!
POSTED IN cheap, eco-friendly, back to school fashion, earth day, your BTS shopping guide, party ideas, charity