Daring Fashion Sleepover, PLUS Win a Jam-Packed Sleepover Game!

With a new season of Project Runway underway, it's the perfect time to have a fashion-themed sleepover!
We dare ya to try it!
Make you own invitations by sketching out simple dress designs in pencil on the front of the card. At the top, write "You're invited to a fashion-forward sleepover!" Cut up little pieces of different patterned fabric and glue them on to the inside. It'll look like fabric samples for a fab fashion collection!
On the card, tell all of your BFFs to bring their craziest clothing. At this party anything goes...your grandma's old-school floral dresses, your mom's wide-brimmed hat or some tie-dyed socks from second grade. It's all about having FUN!
*Give each other mega-daring makeup before you hit the runway. Blue eyeshadow? Check! False eyelashes and eye gems! Why not!? Sparkling, obvi!
*Have each girl put on her funkiest outfit. The crazier the combo, the better.
*Hang up some sheets at the beginning of the runway for the girls to change behind and come out of. Line the runway with chairs for the party guests to watch and cheer on your BFF while she shows off her out-there ensemble.
*When one of your girlies gets an outrageous fashion dare, make her strut her stuff down your homemade catwalk.
*Drink soda out of champagne glasses and when each girlie comes down the runway, blast your fave tunes and start snapping pictures of her like you're the paparazzi!
*On the sidelines, set up a buffet of yummy munchies. Models get to eat catered food from buffets when they're working, so take a break from all that hard work on the runway and snack it up!
*Make up style superlatives like Best Use of Animal Prints and Most Tacky. Write out the awards on mini fashion dolls. Honor the winners into the Fashion Hall of Fame by taking a picture of them in their wackiest outfit!

Hey fashionistas, can't get enough of the funky fashion fun!? We're giving away the Truth or Fashion Dare & Slam to make your sleepover even MORE fun. Each Truth or Fashion Dare & Slam contains a super-cute ballpoint pen and 15 totally fun card games that you can play with your BFFs at camp or at sleepovers! Ever heard of Spin the Nail Polish? Well if you win, you'll get to play it anytime you want!
POSTED IN sleepover