Get into the Groove, PLUS Win a Fun Game to Fab-Up Your Sleepover

Get ready for the first dance of the school year, and brush up on latest dances. Make it your own by putting your own little spin to it! Teach the rest of your girlies your polished steps and take it to the floor. Everyone will want to know how to get down like you sassy ladies!
Break off into teams to prepare a fab routine. Can Shelia spin or does Dianna do a crazy dip? Throw it all in there for one awesome show. So now your steps are down, put them on display! Have a fab talent show and choose the best dance. Then play teach and have the other girls learn your moves.
Not a chance!

That ordinary sleepover has transformed itself into a “Dance Over” with this fab game. Create some crazy awesome routines and tons fun all night long! Your dance party will go down as most fab in sleepover history, guaranteed!
The Dance Spinner is your guide for choosing your fab moves. There are tons of choreography cards so the combos of dances are practically endless. Dance in place, go here to there and perform in the final spotlight for your audience!
Post different moves all around the room—yes even on the bed—until you’re totally pleased with your dance floor. Once you boogie divas are ready to get down, give the Dance Spinner one last go-around for your final spotlight move! Can’t you hear the applause already?! CLICK HERE for more fun 'n' games from Playroom Entertainment.
POSTED IN sleepover