Our FAVE Sleepover Flicks!

Gathering 'round a good movie is a sleepover staple. Stumped on what to watch at Saturday night's shindig? Pop some popcorn and get every gal's fave candy 'cause GL's got a list of our top flicks, no matter what you're in the mood for.

Daring Divas: The Others
You’ll be so creeped out, that you’re gonna want to sleep with your little sis' night light after watching The Others! Twists and turns will have you and your BFFs ready to pop out of your sleeping bags. But you might wanna stay put under those blankets. It'll be way easier to hide your eyes for all the SUPER scary parts.

Guys 'n' Giggles Girlies: 10 Things I Hate About You
Want great laughs with a side of romance? 10 Things I Hate About You is the perf romantic comedy for all you girls who’ve been stuck behind your sisters shadow, or if you just want a good laugh with an awesome ending. You’ll def be dreaming of prince charming all night after watching this flick!

Chuckling Chicas: Legally Blonde
Who doesn’t love comedy chick flicks!? Legally Blonde is an awesome movie to invite all your besties over for. Plus, who doesn't love watching a smart and pretty chica succeed? You’ll laugh the night away and might even want to indulge in a mani/pedi sesh afterwards – with bright pink polish of course!

Singin’ Sistah: Grease
Warm up those vocal cords and grab your hairbrush mics girlies! You and your BFFs can sing the night away to classic songs that everyone loves in Grease. This musical will have you and your girls up on your feet movin’ and groovin’ long after the credits roll.

Drama Lovin’ Ladies: Dirty Dancing
Prepare for those love butterflies all you dancing queens! Whether it’s the super hunk in Dirty Dancing that gets you or the thrilling love story, you’re sure to be drawn in and won’t be able to take your eyes off the TV. Cuddle up on the couch with your besties and prepare for a rollercoaster of love!
-Ashley Barrett
BLOG IT OUT, sleepover sistahs! What movies do you and your girlies like to watch at your slumber parties?
POSTED IN weekend fun, sleepover