Host a Camp-In Sleepover

Whether you freak at the thought of creepy crawlies or its simply to cold to curl up under the stars, with this camp-in sleepover, you can bring the best that camping has to offer indoors…except for the great outdoors, of course!
Gather your girls with a campfire invitation. On squares of cardstock, draw the criss-crossed logs of a campfire with yellow, orange and red flames leaping into the air. Sketch in some sticks toasting marshmallows over the flames, and in the smoke, write out your sleepover’s who, what, where and when.
Nothin’ says roasty toasty like a fireplace, right? If you’ve got access to one, start a fire in the grate with your parents’ supervision. If you don’t—or it’s a little too warm—put some pillar candles in the hearth or on the table. Extra points for pine or other outdoorsy scents.
Next on your to-do list? Pitch a tent. It might be fun to wait until your buds have arrived before you assemble your temporary abode. Grab some sheets, blankets and pillows and go to town, girl.
If Mom says its OK, surround your setup with potted plants. When you peek out of your hiding place, it’ll be almost as if your peering into the woods.
To get your fill of Mother Nature, head on over to a local park or a patch of woods and go for a hike during the day. Be sure to take your phones in case you get separated and a flashlight, just in case. Know how to read a compass? Grab that, too.
When you return home, you’ll be starvin’, so be prepared with classic cook-out foods, like hotdogs and hamburgers. Do ‘em up proper on the grill or cook ‘em inside. Talk about easy!
When you’re ready for something sweet, snag some s’mores fixings: graham crackers, chocolate bars and marshmallows. You can make ‘em super quick in the microwave. On a paper or microwave-safe plate, stack your bottom graham cracker, a chocolate square, and your marshmallow. Keep yours eyes peeled while you microwave it. Once the marshmallow starts to expand, open up the door, remove the plate and smush the sucker down with a graham cracker topper.
Once your cuddled down in your sleeping bags, turn out the lights and tell ghost stories. Don’t forget the flashlight!
Not quite ready for bed? Pop in some flicks like The Parent Trap, Camp Nowhere and Camp Rock.
POSTED IN sleepover