Takin' a Stand Sleepover

Next sleepover, give your festivities a more philanthropic twist. With recent stuff like the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, a lot of people could use your help. How to give back and have fun at the same time? Have a bake sale! Use your night to get ready and the next day to sell, sell, sell!
Before the big night, talk to your girls about what goods you want to make (what cookie recipes, cupcakes, etc.) and where you want to donate the proceeds. The Red Cross, for example, is a great place to donate your dollars for earthquake relief. Go shopping with ingredients beforehand so you’re prepped. Make a list of the food items you need and any poster materials to decorate the stand where you'll sell these items.
Once the girls arrive at your house, split up into teams and decide who is cooking what (be sure to work out deets with a parent first!). Foster a little competition for whatever team can bake the most goods: Winner gets first pick of what treat to sample and movie choice! When it comes to the sweets you bake, keep in mind there’s nothing wrong with doing a little taste testing—just be sure not to eat the whole batch!
After you’ve finished cooking your confections, work on flyers and a poster for the stand together. Whether you make flyers on the computer or draw them on hand, be sure to make colorful, bright signs that stand out and advertise your stand and the charity you’re donating to. Be sure to work on the big poster for the stand together: Many Picassos are way better than one. Be sure to also work out prices for goods and their packaging that night, too. The most successful entrepreneurs always start off prepared.
So you’ve finished baking, pricing and getting the stand set up for tomorrow. Time for a break! Pop some popcorn and watch a classic like Footloose. A movie where the main character puts everything on the line to fight for the greater good is the perf way to get in the right mood for the bake sale tomorrow.
The next morning, get a ‘rent to help you set your stand up where neighbors will see it. Whether it’s at the bottom of your driveway or your neighborhood bus stop, be sure to hang up signs all around so people will see them. Appoint jobs for each team of girls: one group can be in charge of transporting goods, another can focus on tracking profits and the third group can be sales reps. At the end of the day, celebrate with the treats you have left and arrange to send the money to the charity you chose. What a sweet way to use a fun night to help other people!
-Alyssa Bailey
POSTED IN sleepover