Rad Reads

8 books we wish were flicks

Sometimes when we read books, we can automatically picture everything in our head. The book turns into a mini movie in our mind as we imagine what each character and setting looks like. A lot of our fave novels have already been turned into flicks, like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. But there are a few more reads we would love to make it to the big screen. Check them out.
Which book would you most like to see on the big screen? Who would you cast as the starring role? Blog about it, babes.
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    By: Scott Westerfeld

    We would love to see the futuristic world Tally Youngblood lives in, with the hoverboards and bungee jackets! There are plenty of exciting action scenes in the book as well, which would look great on the big screen.


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    By: Angie Sage

    We have our own idea of what this book’s magical world would look like, with The Castle, Wizard Tower and the Marram Marshes, but it would definitely be interesting to see how they would be portrayed in a movie. Spellcasting, trickery and secrets would make this a perf fantasy flick.


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    Artemis Fowl
    By: Eoin Colfer

    A 12-year-old criminal mastermind, dangerous fairies, tech-savy centaurs, code-breaking and kidnappings? We’re wondering why this imaginative, action-packed tale hasn’t been turned into a movie yet!


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    The Giver

    By: Lois Lowry

    This is a fascinating story about a utopian society and a boy who has been dealt the mysterious job of the Receiver—one of the only people who know the truths of the world. Your imagination can go crazy picturing the robotic people and how the boy is reacting to the world’s memories, so it would be cool to see it all laid out in a movie.


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    The Basic Eight

    By: Daniel Handler

    This book is about eight high school friends. Flannery Culp in particulary, whose diary makes up the entire novel. The darkly humorous entries detail how Flan became convicted of murder and how it is most definitely not true! We can totally see this playing out in a movie…with Flan narrating!


    Grab the book here!
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    From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

    By: E.L. Konigsburg

    A lot of us as kids have considered (and maybe even succeeded in) running away from home. But how many of you would run away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art? Claudia did, and managed to hide there for an entire week, where she discovered a mysterious angel statue and the extraordinary woman who sold it.


    Grab the book here!

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    The Westing Game

    By: Ellen Raskin

    This is a classic whodunit mystery with puzzling clues and a surprise ending. There are so many unique characters in the book, seeing it play out in movie form would definitely help distinguish between everyone!
    Grab the book here!
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    Peter and the Starcatchers

    By: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

    This Peter Pan prequel tells the tale of how Peter found Never Land and learned to fly. It would be so much fun to see Peter’s battles with the Black Stache and his exciting adventure with new character Molly as they fight to protect the mysterious trunk from the pirates!


    Grab the book here!


by Kelly Gieron | 2/1/2016