In the News

Healthy Habits

Over the years, obesity has become a growing prob in the United States. Although not all successful, tons of people have tried coming up with their own solutions to this dilemma. We've all heard about fad diets and weight loss pills -- none of which are a good idea! As reported by the New York Times, Congress has come up with a plan to promote physical fitness and nutrition by providing things like rewards and bonuses for employees who practice healthy habits.

How would YOU feel if your school offered students rewards for living healthily? Like a homework-free night for walking to school instead of driving, or a free lunch for giving up sweets ‘n’ soda? On the other hand, would you rather be rewarded for that ‘A’ on your Bio project instead of for saying “no” to that cookie? Let us know your thoughts!


by Katy John | 2/1/2016