GIRL TALK: Keep it Confidential

My really good friend is getting bullied. These statements are HARSH too. I've tried notifying her...I don't want her to feel bad but I want her to know so she can stand up for herself. She doesn't seem to mind, though. She smiles and laughs when they tease her to her face, but the comments get nasty behind her back. Like teasing her about being fat. She's not fat, just one of those wide-framed girls with a little baby fat still, but that's perfectly normal, we're still just 12! Not only this, but my BFF once
informed me the worst of these bullies once said that she could eat this one boy she was teasing for breakfast!It may seem like my friend is taking the good approach, by laughing it off, but these comments are really vicious, and they continue even if she does laugh them off. I'm scared to tell the teacher...this would mean the girls would find out who told, and I'd be done for! I've tried confronting these girls, but this doesn't work either! Not only will it at one point hurt my friend, but it hurts me to know such a nice girl is getting teased! Help me!
Babe, props to you for having such a big heart. Really. Your friend is def trying to take things calmly and have the teasing pass over without any conflicts, but you're right, this has to stop. I can't even imagine what you're going through watching one of your friends, especially a nice one, be attacked and not do anything about it.
Sure, your friend is really good at laughing these hurtful comments off and keeping her composure, but behind that smile, ya never know what's going on. Next time you hear something mean said or see her being made fun of, don't wait it out, but take action.
Approach your friend and tell her how you feel about the situation before you ask her about how she feels. Tell her it's unfair and that you are also getting hurt by these actions because she is your friend. Listen to what she has to say about that and then proceed to ask her about her feelings. Make sure you let her know that you are all ears and everything is confidential, meaning you won't tell a soul.
Keep it confidential, but talk to her about what could be done to stop the teasing and the hurt. Suggest talking to a parent or a guardian or even a trusted teacher at school. Only go ahead and do that if your friend is comfortable with it.
In the end, if she says she really doesn't mind the teasing, then let it be. It'll be tough for you, but wait it out until she does come to a breaking point. Your talk with her will be really good because when she does break down, she'll know exactly who to go to for help.
<3, Sharon
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