Why are guys so hot and cold?

Dave: Who says we have to have a reason? Guys can be hot and cold when it comes to relationships. Sometimes, we like the security of knowing we always have someone to hang with. But being with the same person can do a couple of things to the male psyche. First off, it can be boring. Same girl, same stuff, same One Direction posters on her wall. Second, steady companionship can be scary—an intimidating jump from being with your core group of guys to kickin’ it with the same girl all the time. We need a break here and there. Normally, a few days with the guys has us longing for our gal. And the cycle starts all over again.…Arrrgh, if I have to see that Harry Style dude’s face one more time!
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POSTED IN guys, Dating, GL's best guy advice, crush crash course, boyfriend Q & A, guy friend Q & A, weird guy stuff