I'm too scared to talk to my crush!

I really like this boy who sits behind me in art class. I kind of want to ask him out but I am not one of those girls who dates someone completely based on looks. I want to truly like him but I don't know that much about him.
How do I strike up a conversation and get over my shyness. I know if I don't take chances, I will miss out. Any small talk ideas and other advice would be FANTASTIC!
More than looks
As a guy, we’re extremely flattered when a girl shows a lot of interest in getting to know us. Don’t think of it so much as taking a chance rather just simply getting to know him. Since we're easy to flatter, it just takes confidence.
Also, make sure you speak to him directly. Personally, I’ve found it really hard to get to know a girl through her friends. Having your girls do the work will keep your crush from really getting to know you.
Treat him like a BGF
The best advice I can give you is to be yourself! You’ll find this really easy if you treat him like a best guy friend. Relax and be confident! It also makes it easier for us if you’re confident, too. Your BFFs love you for who you are and your future BF should too. Now the tricky thing is finding a conversation starter...
…Guys think they know everything
The best way to get a guy’s attention is to ask him how to do something, even if you already know how to do it! We LOVE to show girls how to do stuff or explain things, it’s in our genes. So the next time you’re in art class, ask him questions about what he’s making and make him feel like a modern day Michelangelo. Give him bait, reel him in, and you’ll snag this guy.

Good Luck,

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4/16/2010 7:00:00 AM