GIRL TALK: Example Student


Hey everyone, I have a problem, and I could REALLY use some advice. I’m a pretty smart student, and this year I got put in a special education class (for the fourth year in a row) to be an “example student”. But I got picked on A LOT this year, (mostly for being smart), & by kids that I never did anything to. So this year we had to take a test to see who’d be in advanced math next year; and I passed. It’s optional, and I’m not sure if I should do it. It’d good because it means I’ll have more mature and, well, behaved kids in my homeroom class, but it also means harder work (math isn’t my best subject, & i heard that seventh grade is A LOT harder than sixth), & that in twelth grade, I’ll have to take calculous! What do you think I should do?
XoXo ♥,
(formerly known as VolleyangelOX18)

That’s great that you passed! It sounds like taking the advanced math course would be great, both socially and academically. Not only will you be challenging yourself (go you!) but you’ll be in a better environment, with people who respect your brains, not diss them. By not switching, you may find yourself bored with the work and not learning. It’s always better to work a little harder and learn something new. If you find yourself struggling with the math, don’t be afraid to go to the teacher for advice. Many schools have a special time of the day when students can come in for extra help, either with the teacher or with other students. And don’t worry too much about taking calc, that’s a long way off!

♥ Alli

6/26/2007 1:01:06 AM