7 nifty books that make school cool

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For the girl who’s flirting with chemistry, flip through Japanese artist Bunpei Yorifuji’s latest work, an illustrated guide to the periodic table. This book gives each element a personality based on the element’s chemical properties. You’ll learn loads…and find that the info sticks thanks to the clever illustrations.
Wonderful Life with the Elements: The Periodic Table Personified, $11,
For the girl who’s always scribbling, grab this updated, illustrated version of the classic writer’s guide by William Strunk, Jr., and E.B. White. Trust us—it’s an oldie, but a goodie.
For the girl who’s good with numbers, try the first book in a best-selling Japanese series, Math Girls. The novel follows the narrator, a high school boy, as he weaves his way through life, love and math puzzles and problems.
For the girl who’s interested in computers, pick up Carlos Bueno’s Lauren Ipsum, which offers an Alice in Wonderland meets The Phantom Tollbooth-style romp through an introduction to computer science.
For the girl itching to be class president, brush up on your Constitution know-how with this illustrated, comic book-style adaptation that explains not just the document itself, but different historic conversations, interpretations and legal battles it has incited.
The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation, $12,
For the girl who’s got her head in the clouds, grab The Manga Guide to the Universe, which is one in a series of manga books that explains STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) concepts in a fun way.
For the girl who really needs a laugh, LOL your way through F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers. Even if you’re not scoring straight A’s, we’re betting your answers are 100 percent more on target than these ridiculous ones.
F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers, $10,
POSTED IN books we love, bust school stress, boost your grades, your BTS shopping guide