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I need a job but I'm only 12

My mom got in a car accident a long time ago so she can't get a job. My dad just got laid off for 3 weeks! I need a job and am desperate for one. My sister and I do lawn care and stuff, but people rarely call us. I've looked online and everything said you should be at least 14. I'm one month shy of 13. They also said it depends on where you live. It’s making me so mad. Please help!
Whoa there girly, sounds like you’ve got a lot going on! The first step I’m going to need you to do is go into your room, lock the door and take a big, loud scream into your pillow. Feel better? Okay, let’s get started.
Since you may not be able to get a “real job,” ask your neighbors if you can baby-sit their kids or help out with some chores for a low cost, around $5 to $8 an hour. Also, you may want to try advertising your lawn care service by posting flyers around your neighborhoods and making business cards to give to your neighbors.
Your school may also be a great stepping stone to finding jobs as well. Visit your school counselor’s office and ask them if they have any suggestions. Things like tutoring little kids can pay a lot of money. And while you’re there, why don’t you let yourself relieve some stress by talking with them too. Let them know your situation, at most, you’ll feel so much more relieved getting some things off of your chest.
You’re a strong and smart girl. Remember, that Kanye song? That which doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger. And trust me, times may be tough now, but even cloudy days have their silver lining.
Whoa there girly, sounds like you’ve got a lot going on! The first step I’m going to need you to do is go into your room, lock the door and take a big, loud scream into your pillow. Feel better? Okay, let’s get started.
Since you may not be able to get a “real job,” ask your neighbors if you can baby-sit their kids or help out with some chores for a low cost, around $5 to $8 an hour. Also, you may want to try advertising your lawn care service by posting flyers around your neighborhoods and making business cards to give to your neighbors.
Your school may also be a great stepping stone to finding jobs as well. Visit your school counselor’s office and ask them if they have any suggestions. Things like tutoring little kids can pay a lot of money. And while you’re there, why don’t you let yourself relieve some stress by talking with them too. Let them know your situation, at most, you’ll feel so much more relieved getting some things off of your chest.
You’re a strong and smart girl. Remember, that Kanye song? That which doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger. And trust me, times may be tough now, but even cloudy days have their silver lining.
POSTED IN Family, On the Job, How to get a job