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Bump Up Biz With Your Buds

Sometimes, babysitting alone isn't enough. You can only find so many houses to sit at on your own. Our solution? Start up a biz with your buds to get more clients!
Get a binder:
The best way to keep your client's information, your salary requirements and the 411 on the kids you babysit for organized is to get a babysitting binder. A good babysitter keeps tabs on all the kids they sit for. When you expand your clientele with your buds, make sure you each have a binder with similar information. Trade contacts with each other. The more contacts you all know, the more money you will be able to make. Sharing your contacts is a great way to network and up your client base!
By having your buds exchange potential client info with each other, you will be able to network and meet more clients. You and your pals can also create posters and hang them around different schools, community areas and special events (make sure you ask for permission to hang them up first!). You should also give some of these posters to the families that you already babysit for. By having your buds as a part of your babysitting biz, you guys can pick and share houses. If one of your girls get sick, another chica can easily go in for you and vice versa for any babysitting gig.
Make business cards:
Another way to network? Create business cards. They're fun and easy to make. Type up cards with your position "Babysitter", your contact info (ask your parents for permission before doing this) and a fun slogan such as, "Best babysitter on the block!" It's also eye catching to use an interesting image that shows that you are a fun but responsible babysitter. Find a picture of a baby rattle or of a crying baby cartoon, and put it on your cards as a fun extra. The more business cards you pass out at school, your church or any other activity the more likely you are to bring up business!
By starting up a babysitting biz with your buds, you'll keep everything organized, get more clients AND get to bond with your closest gal pals. You and your chicas get to trade secrets, share stories and can even plan babysitting events together. Good luck with your biz, babes!
-Sherryn Daniel
BLOG IT OUT, BABYSITTING BABES! How did you get into the biz? Share your start-up secrets right here!
POSTED IN babysit, be a pro babysitter, babysitting 101