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Brat Patrol: Keep the Kiddies in Line

A good babysitter is fun and responsible. Kids can get into trouble in the blink of an eye, so don’t get preoccupied with reruns while the kids are outside on the swingset. You must be supervising them at all times! Always know where they are and what they’re into.
It’s also up to you to take charge so a kid doesn’t walk all over you. Don’t tolerate tantrums, disrespect, or bossiness. Know the types of discipline procedures they’re used to (timeout, early bedtime, no snacks). For a quickie lesson on keeping kids in line, check out Supernanny.
But it’s also OK to loosen the reins a tad. If the kids have behaved and want an extra half hour of play time, being the babysitter sometimes means letting kids do stuff parents wouldn’t allow (within reason). And if you’re the kids’ favorite sitter, you’re likely to get called back.
POSTED IN getting started