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Drumming Up Babysitting Business

Before your start eyeballing that new wardrobe, you should probably line up some jobs. Some lucky girls inherit sitting jobs from older sisters who move on to bigger and better things (“Would you like fries with that?”), but most of the time you’ll be on your own. Get the word out to neighbors, relatives, friends of the family and teachers. Sitting for familiar people is a smart way to get started. Once you expand, the tips below will help you.
• Advertise. Put an ad on the bulletin board at your church or synagogue. Your school newspaper might have a section for employment notices. Ask if you can post flyers in your doctor’s office.
• Talk to your babysitting friends. Ask them to recommend you next time they get a job offer they can’t accept. Of course, this works both ways.
• Check out child care programs. Your neighborhood elementary school may have an after-school care program for children of working parents. Programs at local park and recreation centers can often use your help working with small fries. Volunteering can introduce you to lots of prospective clients.
POSTED IN getting started