Get Inspired
The 20 most inspiring quotes on Pinterest

We all are guilty of having a Pinterest board of cheesy inspirational quotes that, yes, totally inspire us. We searched through to find some of the best quotes Pinterest has to offer. (P.S.: CLICK HERE to follow GL's cute quote board on Pinterest!)

For when you're stuck in a rut and need to remember to keep going.

For when it's time to move forward from the past and look to the future.

For when you're feeling down about yourself.

For when you realize that you've got #girlpower.

For when you need that reminder that everything will make you stronger.

For when you want to audition for the school play, or get an A+ on that test or try out for that sports team.

For when they knock you down, just get back up and keep going.

For when you begin to doubt how amazing you actually are.

For when you get caught up in the drama and you swear you hate drama.

For when your sister steals your fave sweater and you let it make you made for the rest of the day.

For when you're scared to try something new because you're afraid of the outcome.

For when you lose sight of who you are.

For when you keep comparing yourself to others.

For when you have a bad day and you need that reminder before you go to sleep, that tomorrow is a brand new day.

For the moments when you think you can't, but you totally can.

For when you start a new school and you run into a Regina George.

For when that troll on Instagram keeps commenting on your pics.

For when you can only think about the negatives.

For when you're feeling lost and down on yourself.

For when you just need that reminder that you are a strong, beautiful, talented young woman who can accomplish anything and everything.
What’s your fave inspirational quote? Did we feature it? Tell us in the comments below!
Photo credit: Pinterest.
POSTED IN LIFE, Get Inspired, mind/motivation