Is babysitting right for you? Before you prepare to battle dirty diapers and play 100 rounds of peek-a-boo with a five-month-old baby, answer these simple questions to see if babysitting is the job for you!
• Do you like kids? Let’s face it, if you don’t like kids, they’re not going to like you and that makes your job as a babysitter ten times more stressful! If you don’t enjoy spending time with kids, then you may seriously want to rethink other options, such as working at a bookstore or restaurant.
• Do you know how to have fun? While the parents may be impressed that you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution, the kids will most likely look at you with blank stares. If you’re afraid to get down and dirty with the little ones, then babysitting may not be your higher calling.
• Are you mature, responsible and organized? If you answered “no” to any of these adjectives, then give babysitting some thought and hold off till you’re ready for that kind of responsibility. You have to be trustworthy and dependable if you want to get anywhere in this business! As a babysitter, you’re responsibly for the kids’ health and happiness.
• Do you know how to handle emergencies? If you freak at the sight of blood or faint at the smell of vomit, then beware—sometimes babysitters have to deal with not-so-pleasant situations. So if you start crying when little Johnny gets a boo-boo, then he’s going to cry even louder! Can you remain cool, calm and collected even during tough times?
• Are you ready? Babysitting is a big responsibility! If you’re not ready to dive head-first into the wonderful world of babysitting, then you may want to dip your toes in the water by becoming a mother’s helper or watching one of your friends or an older sib babysit. Remember, babysitting is not for everyone, so don’t feel bad if you’d rather just hang out with your little cousins instead of caring for them for real.
If you answered “yes” to all the questions above, then you may have been born to babysit! There’s more to babysitting than playing with babies, it’s a job that will teach you valuable lessons and leave you with memories for a lifetime!