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Emma Watson is taking a big stand for girls today

If you, as a teenage girl, lived in a developing country, there's a 1 in 3 chance you'd already be married, most likely against your will. Scary, right? Unfortunately, it's a reality that too many girls around the world have to face every day. Today, October 11th, is the UN's International Day of the Girl Child so it's the perfect time to raise awareness for an issue threatening the progress of girls everywhere—and recognize the successful efforts that have already been accomplished.
One of those successes is in Malawi, where last year, a law was passed that raised the minimum marriage age to 18 years old. To celebrate the major victory that took almost 12 years to create, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador (and Harry Potter actress!) Emma Watson spent the week in Malawi, meeting with local chiefs and talking to young girls who recently returned to school after leaving their marriages.
Emma said, "Meeting with young girls, who like many in their country, are struggling with poverty and were pressured into early marriage, depriving them of their education in the process, made me realize just how important it is for women to be able to make their own choices."

Child marriage isn't the only issue that we as girls face in today's world. And while there is a lot of progress yet to be made, we should also celebrate how far we've come. You can get involved with the movement at UN Women's website and check out the hashtag #dayofthegirl for all the girl power inspo you need (don't miss GL's post here!).

What do you think is the biggest issue girls face? Sound off in the comments!
Photo and infographic credit: UN Women.