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6 podcasts that will improve your life

We already know what you're thinking: "Why would I ever listen to a podcast?" Well, we have a question of our own: "Why wouldn't you want to listen to a podcast?!" Podcasts are audio-only conversations and interviews, which, in a land of YouTube, Vine and Snapchat, may seem slightly strange. But podcasts have this comforting quality to them. When you press play, it's as if you're listening to a conversation with an old friend. There are *so* many available on iTunes and Soundcloud in a variety of genres, but here are a select 6 we think you'll like and will improve your life.

On each episode, The Fault In Our Stars author and his brother Hank answer listener-submitted questions, dish out advice and deliver the news on two very specific topics: planet Mars (that's Hank's domain) and AFC Wimbledon (an English football team beloved by John). It's super funny and strangely interesting to listen to two bros chat about their life experiences. Available on Soundcloud and iTunes.

This podcast, presented by How Stuff Works, breaks down a ton of terrific topics—and there's a little something for everyone. One week they'll talk about how lobbying works, the next they'll break down alcoholism and a few weeks later they'll talk about gossip or bats (yeah, like the animal). Listen to one of these to supplement whatever you're learning about in school—your teacher will be seriously impressed you took some initiative outside of the classroom. Available on iTunes.

If you love food (and who doesn't!?) this is the podcast for you. They talk about delicious (literally) topics like pie and cheesesteaks, and even pose interesting questions, like if potato salad should even be considered a salad. All around, you'll be inspired to "eat more better." Available on iTunes.

This 'cast is created by teens for teens about topics that can be tough to talk about: balancing school and sports, sexuality, poverty, life after high school, abuse and more. With a range like that there's a voice for everyone to relate to. Listening to episodes on topics outside of your wheelhouse will open your eyes and make you a more empathetic, understanding person, too. Available here and on iTunes.
Classic Poetry Aloud

If you're a poetry fiend, this is probably the podcast of your dreams. It'll help with your English assignments, too. Press play on whichever poem your teacher assigned that week to really nail down the iambic pentameter. Plus, who doesn't like being read to? Available on iTunes.

While the title may sound like something your grandpa would be into, the show is wildly interesting and is often the most popular podcast in the country. The storytelling is likely the best you'll ever hear and will open your eyes to social issues, personal stories and everything in between. The podcast archive is available here and new episodes are available each week on iTunes.
Will you subscribe to any of these podcasts if you haven't already?