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Pack the perfect babysitting kit: 15 things to take on the job

For playtime
An old board game
A deck of cards
A small speaker you can plug into your phone or MP3 player
Dress-up accessories (a cape, tiara, wings, feather boa)
Random art supplies (pipe cleaners, construction paper, stickers, embroidery floss, chalk, coloring book and crayons, etc.)
For bedtime
Monster spray
A favorite book
For you
A bottle of water
A snack
Your phone (and charger)
A book
Extra business cards or flyers
For emergencies
A list of emergency contacts and basic info (allergies, illnesses) for each child you babysit for, plus a set for you
A small flashlight
A first-aid kit
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POSTED IN fun stuff to do with kids, babysitting activities, getting started, how to be the best babysitter ever