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It's all fun and games until someone gets sick

You babysit the sweetest kids on the block. With the best gig around, you can’t complain. You and the tikes always have a great time when you’re sitting. That is, until someone gets sick. But don’t fret, we’ve got tips on taking care of a suddenly sick child.
Before the parents head out…
> Ask where first aid and cleaning supplies are
> Know where they keep the medicine
> Get phone numbers of the parents and emergency contacts
What to do when…
Little Susie’s been complaining about a tummy ache for a while. The poor girl keeps whining and you don’t know how to make her feel better.
There’s good news: You’re not totally clueless. What makes you feel better will probably help her too.
Get her to lay down so she’s most comfortable and soothe her with a warm drink or a warm water bottle on her tummy. Try to distract her by talking, telling jokes, putting on a movie or telling her a story.
If it’s still bothering her after a while, maybe a nice tummy rub will do the trick. And if that doesn’t help? Ask her to point to where it hurts (her upper or lower abdomen) and don’t be afraid to call your parents or hers for advice.
Energetic Bobby seems a bit off. Instead of being his smiley, playful self, he’s just been laying on the couch dozing off and watching cartoons. You take his temperature. 102 degrees—he’s burning up!
His body’s working overtime trying to fight off illness, so make sure he rests. Grab his blankie or stuffed animal and turn on his fave movie to get him comfy.
Give him a sippy cup of water or juice and make sure he’s getting enough fluids. The last thing you want is for him to get dehydrated, too. Call his parents to let ‘em know and ask if you should give him some Children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen to bring the fever down a bit.
Is it just you or is Susie looking a l’il blue? Actually, no, she’s looking a little…green. And before you can grab a trashcan, she’s done it. Barf!
First of all, stay calm. Chances are, she’s just as upset as you and if you freak out, she’ll just cry more. Clean her up and seat her near a toilet. Better safe than sorry, right?
POSTED IN babysitting, How to get a job